Pest Control Prices
Below you'll find some of our services and prices.
Residential General Pests
All of our Residential General Pest treatments come with a detailed report and 3 month warranty.
Package A
External treatment only for Spiders, Crickets and Cockroaches (excl German Cockroaches)
An external only treatment using a residual spray. Includes perimeter of house, shed, garage, alfresco, clothes lines, fence line, gutters, downpipes, bins and letter box. The treatment will target known pest harbourage and provide a protective barrier to your house.
Package B
Roof void and External treatment for Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches (excl German Cockroaches), Earwigs and Crickets
Roof Void: Dusting of roof void using residual insecticidal dust
External: Treatment using a residual spray. Includes perimeter of house, shed, garage, alfresco, clothes lines, fence line, gutters, downpipes, bins and letter box. The treatment will target known pest harbourage, trails, paths, nests, and provide a protective barrier to your house
Package C
Internal treatment, Roof void and External treatment for Spiders, Ants, Cockroaches (excl German Cockroaches), Earwigs, Crickets, Rats and Mice
Roof Void: Dusting of roof void using residual insecticidal dust. Placement of rodenticide secured in boxes.
External: Treatment using a residual spray. Includes perimeter of house, shed, garage, alfresco, clothes lines, fence line, gutters, downpipes, bins and letter box. The treatment will target known pest harbourage, trails, paths, nests and provide a protective barrier to your house. Placement of up to 4 x tamper proof rodent stations.
Internal: Treatment using a combination of residual spray, dust, gel, aerosol and baits to known pest harbourage, entry points and infestations
Complimentary Second Visit: Site inspection and reapplication of residual spray, dust, gel, aerosol and baits if required on the day.
Pricing is based on up to a standard 4x2 house in the Perth metro area.
Other Services
The below services include a detailed report and warranties.
Residential German Cockroaches
Internal treatment for German Cockroaches using a combination of residual sprays, gels, dusts, aerosols and baits.
End of Lease / Vacate Flea Treatment
Internal and External treatment to a vacant property using a residual spray. Real Estate compliant report and invoice provided.
Single Pest Only
Internal, Roof void and External Treatment for 1 pest. Choose from any 1 pest to be treated: Ants, Cockroaches (excl German cockroaches), Spiders, Crickets, Earwigs, Fleas (non vacate), Rats or Mice
Roof Void: Dusting of roof void using residual insecticidal dust OR placement of rodenticide secured in boxes.
External: Treatment using a residual spray. Includes perimeter of house, shed, garage, alfresco, clothes lines, fence line, gutters, downpipes, bins and letter box. The treatment will target known pest harbourage, trails, paths, nests and provide a protective barrier to your house OR placement of up to 4 x tamper proof rodent stations.
Internal: Treatment using a combination of residual spray, dust, gel, aerosol and baits to known pest harbourage, entry points and infestations
Pricing is based on up to a standard 4x2 house in the Perth metro area.